Catechisms of the Second Reformation with Historical Introduction and Biographical Notes
Alexander Ferrier Mitchell [1822-1899]

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Book Description

Catechisms of the Second Reformation with Historical Introduction and Biographical Notes
Publication Year:
James Nisbet & Co.
John Calvin, Reformation, Reformed Theology
Copyright Holder:
Public domain
Alexander Ferrier Mitchell [1822-1899], Catechisms of the Second Reformation with Historical Introduction and Biographical Notes

Table of Contents

  • Prefatory Note
  • Introduction
  • Biographical Notice
  • Part I. The Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembley and its Puritan Precursors
    • The Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly, reprinted from an early English edition, and each answer compared with answers in previous Puritan Catechisms
    • Gouge's Brief Method of Catechising
    • Rogers' Chief Grounds of Christian Religion
    • Ball's Short Catechism
    • Palmer's Endeavour of making the Principles of Christian Religion... plain and easy. Part 1., Questions and Answers tending to explain the Articles of the Creed
    • Catechism by M. N., B.D. The second main part, explaining the Ten Commandments
    • Ussher's Principles of Christian Religion
    • Austin's Parliament's Rules and Directions drawn into Questions and Answers,
  • Part II. Rutherford's and Other Scottish Catechisms
    • Rutherford's Catechism
    • Wyllie's Catechism
    • A Fragment (apparently by Mr. Robert Blair)
    • The A, B, C; or A Catechism for Young Children
    • The New Catechism, according to the form of the Church of Scotland
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