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On-line Resource Joel R. Beeke, "Puritans Living in Relationship to Affliction, Desertion, and Sin," Reformation & Revival 5:2 (Spring 1996): 101-116.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Joel R. Beeke, "Reading The Best In Puritan Literature: A Modern Bibliography," Reformation & Revival 5:2 (Spring 1996): 117-158.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph S. Bercovitch, The Puritan Origins of the American Self. New Haven/London, 1975.
On-line Resource Gary Brady, "Shakespeare of the Puritans: an introduction to the Preaching of Thomas Adams, Part 1," Foundations 51 (Spring 2004): 28-36.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Gary Brady, "Shakespeare of the Puritans - aspects of piety in the preaching of Thomas Adams, Part 2," Foundations 52 (Autumn 2004): 25-32.View in PDF format pdf
Book or monograph P. Caldwell, The Puritan Conversion Narrative: The Beginnings of American Expression. Cambridge, 1986.
On-line Resource Allen Carden, " on the nature and authority of the Bible," Andrews University Seminary Studies 18.1 (SprinThe Word of God in Puritan New England: seventeenth-century perspectivesg 1980): 1-16.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book A. Czegledy, "The Hungarian Puritans," The Evangelical Quarterly 7.1 (Jan. 1935): 62-81.
Article in Journal or Book G. Davies, "The Puritan Teaching on Marriage and the Family," The Evangelical Quarterly 27.1 (1955): 15-30.
Article in Journal or Book Daniel Doriani, "The Puritans, Sex, and Pleasure," Westminster Theological Journal 53.1 (Spring 1991): 125-143.
Book or monograph S. Foster, Their Solitary Way: The Puritan Social Ethic in the First Century of Settlement in New England. New Haven, 1971.
On-line Resource Peter Golding, "The Puritan Movement in England," Foundations 37 (Autumn 1996): 39-46.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Ian Hart, "The Teaching of the Puritans about Ordinary Work," The Evangelical Quarterly 67.3 (July-Sept. 1995): 195-209.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Prof. Horatio B. Hackett, "Church Book of the Puritans at Geneva, From 1555 to 1560," Bibliotheca Sacra 19 No. 75 (1862): 469-515.View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book Basil Hall, "Puritanism: the Problem of Definition," G.J.Cuming,ed., Studies in Church History, Vol.2. Papers read at the second winter and summer meetings of the Ecclesiastical History Society. London: Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd., 1965. Hbk. pp.283-296.
On-line Resource Erroll Hulse, "The Story of the Puritans," Reformation & Revival 5:2 (Spring 1996): 13-54.View in PDF format pdf
Article in Journal or Book O.R. Johnston, "The Puritan Use of the Old Testament," The Evangelical Quarterly 23.3 (1951): 183-209.
Article in Journal or Book O.R. Johnston, "The Means of Grace in Puritan Theology," The Evangelical Quarterly 25.4 (1953): 202-223.
On-line Resource Ernest F. Kevan, The Grace of Law. A Study in Puritan TheologyErnest F. Kevan, The Grace of Law. A Study in Puritan Theology. London: The Carey Kingsgate Press, 1964. Hbk. pp.294. View in PDF format pdf [All reasonable efforts have been made to contact the copyright holder of this article without success. If you hold the rights, please contact me]
Article in Journal or Book D.M. King, "The Affective Spirituality of John Owen," The Evangelical Quarterly 68.3 (July-Sept. 1996): 223-233.
On-line Resource Thomas D. Lea, "The Hermeneutics of the Puritans," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 39.2 (June 1996): 271-284. View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Donald K. McKim, "The Puritan View of History: or, Providence Without and Within," The Evangelical Quarterly 52.4 (Oct.-Dec. 1980): 215-237.View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
On-line Resource Alexander Ferrier Mitchell [1822-1899], Catechisms of the Second ReformationAlexander Ferrier Mitchell [1822-1899], Catechisms of the Second Reformation with Historical Introduction and Biographical Notes. London: James Nisbet & Co., 1886. Hbk. pp.296. View in PDF format pdf [This material is in the Public Domain]
Article in Journal or Book James I. Packer, "The Puritan Treatment of Justification by Faith," The Evangelical Quarterly 24.3 (July 1952): 131-143.
On-line Resource James I. Packer, "Why We Need the Puritans," Themelios 21.2 (January 1996): 9-13.View in PDF format pdf
On-line Resource Christopher R. Smith, "'Up and be Doing': The Pragmatic Puritan Eschatology of John Owen," The Evangelical Quarterly 61.4 (Oct.-Dec. 1989): 335-349. View in PDF format pdf [Reproduced by permission of the current copyright holder]
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